Please Note: I am currently only offering online sessions, not in-person. 

About Tree of Life

Each session is individually tailored to your story.
Tree of Life is about empowering people who walk through the (virtual) doors with tangible tools and skills to improve their mental health and to experience true healing within.
Together, we assess what you need to take the next brave step toward your goals. We offer you a judgment-free, safe space to process, grow and heal. You bring yourself: your thoughts, your feelings, your hopes, and your fears. And together, we create a path that makes sense for you. Depending on your needs, our sessions will provide guidance, education, rest, encouragement, and above all else, hope. Hope that your hard work will pay off. Hope that someone gets you. Hope that change is possible.
Tree of Life is the calming ground you need if you desire expertise in mental health challenges and relationship issues. Especially if you are someone who constantly worries about anything and everything, struggling with life transitions, constantly feeling overwhelmed and joyless, struggling with toxic relationships and boundary setting, having a difficult time dealing with grief, shame, guilt, image management and perfectionism to name just a few.
If this is your experience, we welcome you with open arms.